Sam Weber, the renowned philosopher, thinker, educator, and critic has closed his longstanding Paris Program in Critical Theory. A program that enabled students from across the globe to undertake research and study with him in Paris, it was unique in scope and intention. Each semester, Sam would choose a reading– we had 'Cinema 1: The...
Creating connections: education | screen | partnerships
No island is an island. This is where my advocacy sits.

Well, here I am with 3 of my 4 'blurbers': Ian Christie, Richard Abel and Tami Williams. It was so terrific to be able to launch my new University of California Press book at the very forum that enabled it, surrounded by the scholars, archivists and programmers who ensure that I can access the film, materials, and research I...
With colleague Elena Mosconi (Uni Pavia) I am organizing Ugo Tognazzi: Tragedy of a Ridiculous Man. This is a film retrospective and exhibition celebrating the 100th (and one) birthday of Ugo Tognazzi, the famous protagonist of Italian cinema. It includes the screening of three films that have been recently restored by the Cineteca Nazionale at the...
I am newly back from Indonesia– where I have been delivering Masterclasses on Virtual Production (in Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung and Yogyakarta). I loved sharing the platform with the wonderful Marissa Anita, an actress, journalist, and television news presenter who is intelligent, fun, and inquisitive. Our audience- drawn from across industry and...
So here is the link to the University of California Press website for Transnational Trailblazers of Early Cinema. I am so grateful to these four amazing scholars for supporting my scholarship and advocacy for women as leaders in the creative industries!!
This is an honour: talking everything Sarah Bernhardt with Sharon Marcus and John Stokes on BBC The Forum. I am thrilled, of course, that we speak of Bernhardt on stage AND SCREEN...This is what I have been advocating: women on the stage drove capacity across the arts and culture industries!!! (Recording is below the image)
My article celebrating the life and work of Peter Wollen has won the Senses of Cinema-UniSA Essay Prize. Here is the Jury Statement:
Victoria Duckett, Deakin University
Raffaele Di Berti, Università Statale di Milano
Elena Mosconi, Università Pavia, Bergamo
Maria Gabriella Cambiaghi, Università Statale di Milano
Stefano Locatelli, Università La Sapienza, Rome
Irene Piazzoni, Università Statale di Milano