Teaching @ Deakin University

I am an educator with 30 years experience of teaching in renowned universities worldwide. Here is a snapshot of some developments during my recent teaching at Deakin University.

With my colleague Liz Baulch I wrote a piece during coronavirus lockdown for the New York-based journal, Millenium Film Journal. This is the longest-running publication devoted to artists' moving image. What motivated the article was our experience in teaching film online. We were delivering classes in filmmaking, TV production and criticism online...

In May, 2020 I was invited by a variety of people and platforms to speak about Australian films and their accessibility (or not!!) online. My concern (and interest) was piqued by the discussions I was having with archivists across the globe about the shifts they had made in order to make films available to people in lockdown. What I...



Last trimester I taught a Screening History class that transitioned to online learning within 3 days of official University notice in March, 2020. Not fun.

This year, I introduced and launched a new unit at Deakin University: Film Festivals. It came on the heels of the teaching I was invited to undertake in Italy in 2017 and 2017, where I led professional Master's workshops on Festivals for ALMED at the Università Cattolica, Milan.

Research @ Deakin