Last trimester I taught a Screening History class that transitioned to online learning within 3 days of official University notice in March, 2020. Not fun.
We had around 200 students transitioning from campus-based learning to online streaming services, zoom lectures and seminars.
What did I find the hardest? Maintaining personal contact with so many distressed students, especially when we did not know how long we would remain online.
What did I like the most? My teaching team of brilliant creative women (a shout out to Kate Murray, Sheersha Perera, and Kris Iliopoulos). And, of course, the students. They all engaged, learned, did brilliant work, and kept me believing in the future. Thank you!

What did my team achieve in our first trimester of remote learning during our COVID-19 lockdown?
96% students strongly agreeing that we have clear learning outcomes and help them achieve these
94% overall student satisfaction
SCREENING HISTORY First year undergraduate testimonials:
"This unit has been thoroughly enjoyable...the communication has been outstanding."-Email from Nicole, 1/6/2020
"I have really enjoyed this class, it has solidified my wish to work within the industry one day and has given me important context to the films I watch in my spare time, ultimately making them more enjoyable." email from Georgia, 2/6/2020
"I cannot wait to do more media classes" -email from Adam, 19/6/2020
"Hello Victoria. Thank you so much! ...I really appreciate the ongoing assistance and support during this unit it has been amazing and so so valuable. I look forward to any future units ran by you." -email from Heather, 29/6/2020
"I just wanted to write an email to thank you and the team for all the help and inspiration for the Screening history unit this trimester... As someone who is a mature age student starting back at University, the unit helped me find new skills, and I was actively encouraged to try things outside of my comfort zone (ie Video Essays). As such the lessons learnt from this unit have positively influenced my marks in other units. Anyway I just wanted to say a big thank you to you and the team, and keep up the amazing work."-email from Matthew, 1/7/2020
"I learned so much. It was easy to navigate the ACF104 Cloud site. The assignments were all different and interesting in their own ways, which aided in maintaining my interest." Anonymous student feedback on course evaluation.
"The teachers were great, they were clear, accommodating, encouraging and where willing to give up time out of class to assist with any questions or troubles that I faced. 10/10." Anonymous student feedback on course evaluation.
Australian Film History: second and third year testimonials
"I just wanted to email you to say thank you. You made online learning fun and I took a lot away from your classes every week. Australian Moving Image is definitely one of my favourite units from my entire course. So, thank you very much for your encouraging teaching. I also really appreciate how you cared for our mental health throughout the trimester. It means a lot.I will continue to watch more Australian films in the future and be inspired by them when making my films. You've grown my love and appreciation for the Australian cinema, so thank you." Email from Sam, 4/11/2020
"I just wanted to thank you for teaching me this unit, although I may have already said this I have been blown away by the support and care you gave, not just to me, but the entire class. I can't imagine how challenging being a lecturer would have been this year and think it's just incredible how adaptive and understanding of everyone's situation you were....My interests, skills and perspective have been shaped thanks to your teachings. I thought it was worth you knowing." Email from Madison, 15/10/2020
I just wanted to thank you for a fantastic trimester...This class has definitely been the highlight of my year and you have been one of my favourite teachers I've had at Deakin. I really appreciate all the emails you sent to check up on us and I think it was really great to feel that we as students had the support of the staff in this turbulent time." Email from Luke, 1/10/2020
"Hi Victoria...You have made coming back to uni such a pleasure. You're approachable, kind and have been so supportive." Email from Sara, 4/10/2020
"Hi Victoria... While I have really struggled with meeting the deadlines, I've really enjoyed this unit, its made me totally fall in love with Australian cinema. Is there another Australian film subject I can study..? Email from Clare, 30/10/2020
Creative Arts, Honours year, Thesis writing class 2020
"Thanks for all your support, it's definitely helped having someone as kind and considerate as you as our tutor so I wanted to say thank you and let you know everyone really appreciates you. You're doing an amazing time helping us all and managing this online! Email from Megan, 28/8/2020
"Once again thanks for your encouragement and critical feedback, it has been immensely helpful for me this semester." Email from Dean, 14/10/2020
"I'm so relieved after reading your kind words, I needed reminding to stop and breath." Email from Isabella 4/8/2020
Grazie Victoria for all your feedback and help this trimester. It was a pleasure to learn from you :). Note from Isabella, 9/10/2020
"The Staff– Sheersha, Kate and Victoria–are amazing, they are all clearly passionate and really care about teaching. I went into the unit to try something different and am walking away having done something completely in out of my comfort zone, and enjoyed ever minute of it. The unit even helped me learn skills I could apply to other subjects." Anonymous student feedback on course evaluation.
Previous graduate student testimonials
Honours students
"Just wanted to extend my gratitude for your knowledge, mentoring and encouragement this trimester. Your support and guidance has been so incredibly invaluable, and pivotal to my growth as an artist and a writer. Thank you so much!" Paul, email, 31/10/2018
"Hi Victoria, I just wanted to say a huge thank you for all your help and knowledge in writing. I enjoyed the class and loved learning and improving my work with help from you. I learnt a lot. Thank you." Maddi, email, 31/10,2018
PhD students
"Amongst all other things I forgot to send you an official email about my PhD results today - they came in and they are very positive. I do not have to do any amendments, just submit a library copy. I could not believe them! I just wanted to say the biggest thank you for all the support throughout this process and for making the whole thing a great experience!" June, 26/3/2019, PhD from Deakin University
I finally graduated and got PhD!!!! Without your support, I couldn't finish this long journey. Thank you so much again Victoria", Jung, email, 14/2/2018 PhD from the University of Melbourne